Anonymous Tip Line

(502) 215-1588

If a crime or other suspicious activity is happening right now, call 9-1-1. This number is not for reporting any activity “in progress.” This system does not connect to the police dispatch. We depend on your help to prevent crime and spot problems or violations in Shepherdsville. You may have seen something or know about something that solves a major crime, saves someone’s life, or makes your neighborhood a better place for everyone. We can help, but we need a place to start. You can call our anonymous tip line at 502-215-1588. You can use this number to give us a confidential and anonymous tip about any kind of crime or suspicious activity that you or someone else saw earlier. You can share anything. No information is too small or unimportant. Please describe the location of the incident and any details you can provide about the person and the circumstances. We will follow up on all tips you provide. No one will contact you or know who you are unless you want us to. This is not a crime report form. If you are the victim of a crime and want to report it, please call 502-215-1588. This system is completely confidential. Providing your name and phone number is optional but very helpful. If we have questions about anything, we may want to contact you later by phone, e-mail, or by any other method you choose. If you leave your name, please use your real name, phone number, and e-mail address. Thank you for your help and for helping others.

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