Fees and Rates

Wastewater rates are determined using the actual costs incurred by the city to collect and treat sewage. These costs are updated on an annual basis. These updated costs are used to determine current treatment rates. Any change to the wastewater treatment rates must be approved in advanced by the city council.

Wastewater Fees Effective 2020

Residential User Fees- Inside the City Limits

Tap-On Connection Fees

Individual Residence Sewer Connection Tap-On Fee: $2,000.

Multifamily Dwelling Sewer Connection Tap-On Fee: $2,000 per unit, plus the actual cost of bringing the sewer line from the main to the property line.

Tourist Home or Mobile Home Sewer Connection Tap-On Fee: $2,000 per tourist or mobile home, plus the actual cost of bringing the sewer line from the main to the property line.

Commercial, Industrial or Institutional User Fees- Inside the City Limits

Tap-On Connection Fees

Commercial, Industrial or Institutional Sewer Connection Tap-On Fee: $4,500 for 1″ waterline, $5,500 for 2″ waterline, $6,500 for 3″ waterline, larger than 3″ waterline, $6,500 plus $1,000 for each inch larger than 3, plus the actual cost of bringing the sewer line from the main to the property line and the cost of testing related to an Industrial User Permit.

Access to an Interceptor Line: $1,000 in addition to the tap-on fee.

Waste Hauler Permit:$300.

Residential User Fees- Outside of the City

Tap-On Connection Fees

Individual Residence Sewer Connection Tap-On Fee: $5,000.

Multifamily Dwelling Sewer Connection Tap-On Fee: $5,000 per one- bedroom unit, $6,000 per two- bedroom unit, $7,000 per three- bedroom unit, plus the actual cost of bringing the sewer line from the main to the property line.

Tourist Home or Mobile Home Sewer Connection Tap-On Fee: $5,000 per tourist or mobile home, plus the actual cost of bringing the sewer line from the main to the property line.

Commercial, Industrial or Institutional User Fees- Outside the City Limits

Tap-On Connection Fees

Commercial, Industrial or Institutional Sewer Connection Tap-On Fee: $11,000 for 1″ waterline, $14,000 for 2″ waterline, $17,000 for 3″ waterline, larger than 3″ waterline, $17,000 plus $3,000 for each inch larger than 3, plus the actual cost of bringing the sewer line from the main to the property line and the cost of testing related to an Industrial User Permit.

Rates and Charges

Volume-based user charges and customer charges for each customer class are as follows

Total Gallons of Water Consumption/Discharge Per MonthVolume-based ChargeCustomer ChargeMinimum Bill
Customer Class RES-1 and RES-2
0 – 2,000$13.18$8.90$22.08
Over 2,000$6.59 per 1,000 gallonsNot applicableNot applicable
Customer Class COM-1 and COM-2
0 – 2,000$14.02$8.90$22.92
Over 2,000$7.01 per 1,000 gallonsNot applicableNot applicable
Customer Class COM-3
0 – 2,000$14.82$8.90$23.72
Over 2,000$7.41 per 1,000 gallonsNot applicableNot applicable
Customer Class INST
Any flow$6.59 per 1,000 gallons$8.90$8.90
Customer Class IPT and IND
Any flow$6.59 per 1,000 gallons$8.90$8.90
Customer Class Beam Facility
Any flow$7.00 per 1,000 gallons$5,500.00$5,500.00

Surcharge Rates for Excessive Strength Sewage

BOD Surcharge Rate: $0.544 per pound in Excess 0f 250 mg/l.

TSS Surcharge Rate: $0.43 per pound in Excess 0f 250 mg/l.

NH3N Surcharge Rate: $0.87 per pound in Excess 0f 30 mg/l.

O & G Surcharge Rate: $0.48 per pound in Excess 0f 100 mg/l.